LAUNCH: The Hippo AI Supporters Shop
The Hippo AI Foundation wants to empower people like you to take action against global inequalities in healthcare. It all starts with every one of us taking a stand and showing what we believe in.

The Hippo AI Foundation wants to empower people like you to take action against global inequalities in healthcare. It all starts with every one of us taking a stand and showing what we believe in.
Our vision is a future where all citizens have access to good healthcare. To reach our goal, we're advocating against the privatisation of medical knowledge and for medical data and AI to become a common good.
In our digital world, new learnings are mainly based on our medical data. With the help of AI models, unique and life-saving know-how can be generated from our data. In other words, we, the people, are the source of new medical solutions. We call for open access to medical data and medical AI. If we humans are a part of the solution, we also have a say in what happens to our data and its extractions.
This is why we created the "My Boobs are not for Sale" design. By buying one of our designs, you support us on the way that -
1) Everyone benefits equally from new medical knowledge.
2) People globally have the resources, to build medical products.
Making the world a more equal place doesn't happen overnight. But taking a stand and raising awareness is the first step. So, don't forget to send us a picture and/or share it on your favourite social media channel. Tag us so we can re-share!
Hippo AI on Social Media:
Instagram: @hippo_ai
Twitter: @hippoai
LinkedIn: @hippo-ai-foundation
#MyBoobsAreNotForSale #HippoAI #OpenData #OpenAI #ViktoriaOneZero